Blocknative Data from March 12 2020 Files beginning with "new-tx-" contain new transaction detection by any of our nodes. Files are identified by UTC date and hour. The files contain the following fields in order: timeStamp (in UTC) hash nonce gas gasPrice value toAddress fromAddress input (contract input data) URLs: (T00Z through T23Z) Files beginning with "tx-state-" contain transaction state change detection (including initial pending) by any of our nodes. Files are identified by UTC date and hour. The files contain the following fields in order: detecttime (in UTC) hash status node URLs: (T00Z through T23Z) Possible status values are: pending - entrant to pending part of mempool stuck - entrant to queued part of mempool (nonce gap with existing pending tx) confirmed - added to block with successful tx execution failed - added to block with failed tx execution cancel - replaced by new tx with same from/nonce (node requires 10% increase in gasPrice) speedup - replaced by new tx with same from/nonce/to/value/input (node requires 10% increase in gasPrice) dropped - previously pending tx not seen in mempool for 30 min (this status may not be reliable) Included nodes and their configs are: GETH_1_A_PROD Virginia, unrestricted mempool GETH_1_B_PROD Virginia, unrestricted mempool GETH_1_C_PROD Virginia, standard mempool (4K slots) GETH_EUC1_A_PROD Frankfurt, unrestricted mempool GETH_EUC1_B_PROD Frankfurt, unrestricted mempool GETH_APSE1_B_PROD Singapore, unrestricted mempool GETH_APSE1_A_PROD Singapore, unrestricted mempool PARITY_1_B_PROD Virginia, standard mempool (8K slots)